I survived, part two

by Janie Jones

Well.  The move is officially over and I’m still breathing and walking so I guess you can say I survived.  I wouldn’t say that I’m really moved in though nor would I really say I’m good.  Considering how much has happened since my last post, not much has actually gotten done in terms of unpacking.  Which means I’m living in what feels like a combination of storage locker and remote holiday cabin.

The last trip from my beloved old home was made late on Sunday, June 1st.  On Monday, June 2nd summer school began.  Between summer school I managed to unpack just enough of my office to do said school work and enough clothes to appear semi normal at class.  The rest is still up for grabs.  I do have some blog fodder that will fill you in on the details, perhaps someday when the whole summer school thing isn’t looming over me and right before the fall semester takes over.  Maybe.

Oh, and then on Saturday, June 7th I had to go pick up the spud who is summering with me out on Leif’s farm.  Her swimming lessons began on Monday, June 9th at 9am, only 5 hours after the arrival of my bout with the intestinal flu.

Never, oh, never a dull moment around these parts.  Not even a moment to cry for myself.

I tried to catch up on reading some of your blogs, I need some sense of normal, besides the normal of chaos that is, but it might be a while before I make it to everyone.  Hope you are well and having a better summer than me.

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