Posts tagged ‘April Fool’s Day cartoons’

April 1, 2015

Happy April Fool’s Day

by Janie Jones

I don’t really enjoy pranks.  I’m too old, too tired, and I have just one straw left.  In my condition April Fool’s pranks take too much valuable effort to plan, and being on the receiving end could very well throw me into the whole Cameron Frye catatonia.

I thought about ignoring the whole fact it was April Fool’s Day, and telling you all about the very, very strange dream I had which started as an alien encounter while scuba diving and ended as the sinking of the Titanic 18 hole golf course cruise ship (?!?!?!) but figured on account of it begin April Fool’s Day you wouldn’t believe it was a real dream, and any way I’m too tired to type any more about anything this morning.

My arthritis is not playing April Fool’s jokes.  I have a very real pain in the neck that I woke up with and it hurts.

So here’s a couple cartoons:

completelygoofy science april fools day

And while I appreciate the science-y theme prank ideas, this one is a little more Everyman:



May your day be as prank-full or prank-less as you please.